At the speed that time goes by we almost launched this story in the commemoration of Tomás first day of school.

We met Diana and Diogo in their home, open doors and arms to receive us.
We were so well welcomed that we felt at home and when we got out, to photograph at Gulbenkian gardens, it had a taste of a walk with friends.

Tomás gave a sign of his presence throughout the session, claiming all the attention that would be entirely his and making us all believe that his arrival would be soon.
We already met Tomás after this shoot, we have been with these parents a couple of times more but those are other chapters of this wonderful story that began, at our eyes, this day.
The story we tell today, so full of images overflowing light, warmth and life and remembering, in a special way, the best of all waits.

We remember with affection and nostalgia, the day when our story crossed with these three, forever, like this:


25th May of 2016