Photographer, storyteller, and content creator.
Architect, Instagrammer... because when we are storytellers, for real, it is hard to pick just one profession!

10 years ago I left architecture to dedicate myself full time to photography.
There are so many stories I told and people I met, places where stories took me, and moments I made eternal.
The camera became an extension of my hands, my dreams, and my heart.

My passion for words is even older!
Since I was little that I am an excellent book stacker.
I like to read and even more to write, to taste every word, putting on paper the beautiful things that only live within us.
I am for the stories, for the happy endings, even though knowing that a good story never ends.

Terra is my youngest daughter, the house of my story, and my stories, the place where I keep images, words, and a little bit of myself!
To this daughter two more were added, the twins Alice and Benedita who brought me one new profession: mother!

This is my story! (summarized not to steal too much time from yours)
And your story? Tell it! Tell me!
Because from now on, it's my story too!