There are books from which we don't know the cover, that we never heard about but that we take home, and that we barely opened the first pages and are absorbed by the story, we lose ourselves in the words, page after page, and we can not stop until we reach the end.

There are stories that take us far away, to a physical space a few hundred kilometers from home, others, like the one we tell today, that more than put us on the road, elevate us to a whole new dimension.
This was the day we met Maria João and Pedro, if the voice was already familiar, it also flew over never ending kilometers, in a virtual conversation that put us on the same road, all the rest was unknown and an entire book to read.

We opened and flicked through the first pages like so, a few hours from what wouldbe the beginning of one of the best and most exciting chapters, of two.
A story that still holds us on every page, every image, this amazing place we had the privilege of knowing as a backdrop underfoot.

On this day, at this moment, in this place, with an incredible light and an amazing couple, we don't even imagined what was about to come ... I guess they don't evenimagined too the whirlwind of emotions in what we would all be about to board.

From Brussels to Braga, from Braga for the world... a story, theirs!
And what a story! (sigh) What a story!

4th September of 2016